Monday, May 26, 2008


Yay! Things have been going really great the last little while! New people are fun and especially cute new people :) That always helps haha... work is good, except working lunch sucks for money so I'm looking forward to getting the boot off next month and making more. I probably could work dinner now but I bet I would make about the same amount of money for the small amount of tables I would be able to turn. Sigh!! And, I am still interested in the summer going by much faster than the speed at which it currently chooses to stabilize itself (effing slow). Hurry up!

So... Speed Racer last night was not a total loss. I know David thought so but then again David doesn't have very good taste in movies =O

Oh shoot! haha..

But it was pretty good. Definitely way too long but good story. And I was much warmer than I expected to be! Thanks boys. I would have gotten frostbite. Yay for not losing any limbs to unseasonably cold weather!

OMG there is talk of a California trip for next week. I am so excited!!! :DD

Tonight should be fun, I'm about to finish getting ready. Happy Memorial Day!

The words of the week/day have been labeled.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Things that Piss Me Off (from February)

I reposted this from MySpace because I deleted it. Enjoy!

You had no idea I could even GET pissed, did you!!? Well I am feeling irritated so I thought what better time than to make a list of stuff that bugs the crap out of me? Tommy Ferguson is the genius behind this little nugget so, a nod to him. And here we go.

1. Peeple wh0 kant speel gud. It's like wtf, you are in college now, you should stop writing like that.
2. While I'm on the subject, pEoPl3 wHo $tIlL tHiNk tYpInG LyK tHiS iZ k00l. It's not, and never was. Grow up!
3. When I'm sitting in the right lane trying to turn, and I have to sit through the red light because the guy in front of me is going straight. Is it really that important for you to be at the front of the line when the light is green? Because I really need to get going and you are in my way.
4. People who consistently ask you for favors and never offer to return them, or better yet, only call when they need something. It's ok, I don't have feelings, nor do I have anything better to do.
5. Riding a bicycle and no one gets out of the way so I have to come to a dead stop and walk the bike. Why did I even bring the bike in the first place? Move it!
6. Guys who claim they just aren't affectionate as an excuse for not holding my hand in public. Get over yourself! Relationships are about compromise and that is how I feel loved! And I'm pretty sure that being in a relationship in the first place requires you to administer SOME type of affection, yeah?
7. When girls complain about getting treated like crap by guys, yet don't hesitate to jump into a new relationship with a guy who is clearly NOT their type. It's pretty bad when you can tell he's no good just by seeing his picture.
8. Christmas lights that are still lit up going strong, that are OBVIOUSLY Christmas lights. I'm not talking about white lights that are good all year, I mean like the Santas and the red/green lights and icicle lights. Which, icicle lights have no business in Arizona anyway so it's a huge mess in the first place. Plus, it is February for Pete's sake!!
9. Bosses and authority figures who exert WAAAAY more power than they rightfully should (aka power trip) and/or abuse their position in some way shape or form. That's all I'm going to say about that.
10. People who leave their trash behind at a place that enables you to clean up after yourself. Seriously, take your empty Big Mac box and Coke cup and throw them in the trash, along with the dozen or so grease-ladled napkins you needed to eat all that!
11. This is a pretty general one, but people who can't appreciate other people's opinions/viewpoints/desires/hobbies. The list goes on. But if you don't like it, why do you have to incessantly bag on it? Just leave it alone.
12. And in turn, people who won't give up when you express your dislike for something, yet still bother you to "just try it" and "come on, you'll like it." No, I won't. Don't you think if I did I would already be enjoying it?
13. Businesses, especially food joints, that close like 2 minutes before I get there, or that close like 15 minutes early, or even a minute early. That's not what you are getting paid for, is it!!?
14. The guy who is at least two feet taller than you and must stand in front of you for the entire duration of the concert. You realize you're tall right? You should be standing in the back, not in front of me. Even if I'm in the back, you should be courteous enough to offer the space in front of you to me. I'm pretty sure there will be no interference of my head with said concert, unlike with your head nay entire body.
15. Students who act like they have it sooo bad living in the Residence Halls. Are you kidding me? There are children in Africa that would LOVE to live IN OUR COURTYARD outside, with no shelter, and you are complaining because the elevator breaks like once a semester. Shut up and quit being lazy! Get up those stairs! (I can say this because I too am a student and couldn't give two cents if the elevator was broken).
16. Time. It just annoys me, because there's either never enough of it or way too much. There never seems to be a happy medium between the two.
17. Taking a shower and within one day feeling completely disgusting and greasy. I haven't even done anything, where is this coming from? It's February!
18. Waiting for people to call when they need a favor from you. It's like look, this is now on MY time. YOU asked ME for the favor, and I'm waiting for you. I can't do anything because I don't know what time your inconsiderate ass is going to call. So thanks, I'll just sit here and write MySpace blogs!
19. Friends who are only your friends when it is convenient (see number 4). I am a pretty caring individual, I have a lot of love, and I want to be your friend. So be my friend when I'm ready too, not just when you are. That's unfair.
20. Filing taxes!! Ok, someone please explain to me why we have to PAY to file the STATE INCOME TAX, even though 99.9% of the time the return like $8 or something real low. And then, help me figure out why it's between $13-20 to file something that THEY want ME to give to THEM!!? Whose effor is this paying for? I'm filing electronically! If it's up to me, I won't file! But oh no, then I'll owe state tax. Well eff that. I don't want to file.
21. People who have no idea how to file their taxes because they give all their paperwork to their accountant or parents. Sorry you guys, but that's really lazy. if you are my age and have no adjustments or exemptions, you can file your own crap. It takes at the max 20 minutes, and it's much more satisfying than handing it to Mr. Brown and getting the check in the mail for doing nothing.
22. Having a vehicle. Sometimes it is a burden. Most of the time it is pretty convenient. But God forbid anyone find out you have a vehicle when you live on campus at school, because all of a sudden all kinds of people are your friend and call you, even though you have never heard from them before that on the phone, and most likely will never hear from them again (see number four... again).
23. Movies with poor plot schemes. I'm sorry, but Requiem for A Dream was a horrible movie. Well made theatrically speaking, but poorly written. Why am I watching a bunch of drug pushers, a slut and a TV junky ruin their lives for 2 hours of my life that I will never get back? Yeah I don't know either.
24. Getting sick and not knowing where it came from or how I got it. Why can't you people just keep your germs to yourselves!!? I can't afford to be sick!
25. Being cold/being hot. There is no happiness found during extreme temperatures, because when it's too cold they set the thermostat to 90 degrees and all of a sudden, even though it's 40 outside, I am sweating in my sweatshirt. THEN, when it's too hot, they crank the A/C way down to like.. 50, and everyone is cold but no one says anything because they know they are about to walk across campus at 112 degrees and they better just enjoy the frostbite while it lasts.
26. Driving back and forth from Mesa to Tempe. It's not a long drive, but there are a heck of a lot of other things I'd rather be doing than sitting in my truck for 15 minutes listening to my iPod and not getting anything accomplished.
27. While we're on that subject, procrastination annoys me. I do it a lot, but it's something I can't get away from. And what's even worse is REALIZING that I could have been doing a ton of other stuff during the last two hours I've been sitting there idling on Facebook and listening to The Beatles.
28. Pens that I thought were full/brand new that run out of ink or stop working. Usually the only pen around and capless.
29. Missing calls. Especially oming back to my phone and seeing I have a missed call that does not also reveal a voicemail. I don't always listen to them, but they sure are nice to hear.
30. Annoying ringtones, like that stupid Nokia repeating "doo-doo-doo-DOO-doo!" over and over again. Or how about the high pitched ring that sounds like a regular house phone but it's on the loudest volume so everyone knows how important you are, that you are getting a phone call. Ooh, and that leads me to my next point.
31. Nextel phones. These are just glorified walkie-talkies. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, Nextel phone guy: nobody wants to hear your conversation. They ESPECIALLY do not want to hear the person on the other end responding to your stupid questions that do not need to be asked during dinner at the Olive Garden with your wife on your anniversary. And the worst part is the noise it makes when you complete a transmission. Can I ask you something? Is it really that hard to just put your face on the phone and talk into it? I know it looks cool to hold it up to a foot away, or even real close to your mouth, and talk talk, but it is pretty annoying. Furthermore, women have no use for this phone, end of story. What is so important that you can't just call your friend and talk to her about your day? It keeps the rest of us from having to endure her shrill laugh.
32. Men who have a lot to prove, so they hassle the waiter to bring his steak up from Medium rare to medium, even though we heard him say medium rare because "that's how I usually eat it." And that's not even enough, that they have to ask their demure girlfriends "how is yours baby?" and when she says, "It's really good," he insists that she would like hers brought up to medium well. Are you eating the steak, or is she? I'm confused. Tone your ego down and maybe one of you will be able to enjoy the meal.

More to come, right now I have to make my way back to Tempe town.

Continued, February 19th at 12:30AM...

33. MSN articles laying out "10 Ways to Get Sex by Tomorrow" or "Body language: is he into you?" and other stupid stuff like that. None of it can be generalized, and chances are if you are reading those articles, you are not going to get what you want nor find the information you need. I can say this because every time I read about body language, they all say the same thing, and none of them apply to the guy I'm interested in. Coincidence?
34. People who are like... passive aggressive. I do it, but to a point. At some point, I will talk to the person and let them know how I feel. THEN there are people who CONSTANTLY bad mouth other people, but are super duper nice to them in person and act like they're best friends. Why are you pretending like that??
35. When Mr or Miss Know It All has to correct someone else either on something they've said, or something that has been written/posted somewhere. Anything is fair game, from common spelling errors like doubling letters in a word, to correcting the day of the week we ALL KNOW they are talking about. Shut up and let them finish their piece, no one cares if they said last month when they really meant last night. Everyone knows what they are talking about. And you would too if you weren't so busy trying to correct everybody.
36. Wanting to buy medium salsa, and finding out the market only CARRIES mild and hot, and that they are completely out of mild. I'm sorry, but I don't want my mouth to be on fire for the rest of the week. Can't you carry a normal flavor salsa?!
37. Although we are in college, I still encounter people making fun of other people. And it's funny, you know, when it's good taste. There's nothing like a well-placed "that's what she said" to lighten the mood. But there are those other times when it's not appropriate OR funny to say what you just said. For example, "How hard is it?" when talking to your professor about the GRE, and then, "That's what SHE said!!" No. Not good timing. Just hold it in until happy hour, duffle bag.
38. Poorly-placed "that's what she said"s. I add this because I've committed quite a few myself and they are embarassing. First embarassing, then funny because the placement was SO bad. But in general, if you're just saying it because you want someone to think you're cool for ripping off Steve Carell, then you should probably refrain.
39. Having a desk shift at 1 until 2 in the morning. Seriously, what was I thinking, and why couldn't I get better times!?!
40. People blow drying their hair at 12:40AM. Wtf are you doing!!? It is way past quiet hours!
41. When pretty flowers die :[ I want them to last forever!
42. People who project their displaced anger onto defenseless or otherwise loving, sweet-hearted individuals and animals. Or inanimate objects. The first is just sad: learn how to deal with your emotions. The second makes me angry, because that dog does not deserve to be yelled at and ignored because YOU had a bad day at work. He wants to love you!
43. Buttinskys. You know, the guy who has to always know what you are doing, and when, and with who, and for how long, and how much it's going to cost, and when you'll be back, and what you did last night, and what color hair your mom has, and, and... SHUT UP. You are annoying. If we want you to know, we will tell you. If not, just pretend like nothing happened and walk away.
44. Having a cough. It's loud and annoys other people. And hurts sometimes.
45. Hair maintenance. I need a hair cut and it is really inconvenient for me to need one because I can't get a hold of Kendra, who usually cuts my hair (and does a really great job). It is frustrating, then, because I would feel shameful to allow another hairdresser's shears near my reddish-brown locks. So I just have to keep waiting while my hair keeps getting uglier.
46. Being told I am skinny . Let's get one thing straight: I do NOT feel skinny. I don't look skinny. I don't know what it looks like to you, but what I feel like is what I look like. And if you think I look skinny, great! Tell all your friends! But when I complain about FEELING fat, that does not mean you should immediately rebutt with, "But omg, no way, you are so small." Whatever! I used to fit into a size 2, I know what small feels like.
47. Being extremely tired and not being able to go to bed for two more hours...

More to come. Again.

And here we are, March 1st, 10:54AM.

48. People who agree that you should get lunch in the following two days at some point, and then fail to respond to any emails/messages pertaining to said lunch date. If you don't want to get lunch with me, then don't say it would be a good idea! Not hard.
49. Spraining my wrist. First time ever and it's just obnoxious. It hurts when I try to function with it and as we speak I'm even having a hard time typing. Just a little. I guess I could generalize number 49 to any injuries that impede my ability to function normally.
50. Being hungry and not being able to eat for at least another 3 hours. Yeah for working the Mac desk haha :)
51. Knowing that he's not the one but being excited about it anyway.
52. Playing "the game." Not that I am right now obviously, but it is just so overrated. Why can't we all just state our purpose, do what we want, and have everything work out? Is it really true what they say, everything that's REALLY worth it is worth fighting for? I think what someone told me once is that there should be equal fighting from both sides and I think I would agree with that.
53. Having lots of studying to do but continuing to waste time with this list anyway.
54. OH yes, from last night haha.. yucky people, or "uggos" (haha) who make out and engage in extremely inappropriate PDA. Yes hold hands. Yes a peck on the cheek is cute. But don't slobber all over each other and neck each other in front of everyone! Ew!


Something always brings me back to you,
and it never takes too long.

Last night was so much fun! And tonight will be as well. Indiana Jones was freaking incredible the other night, I implore you all to see it if you haven't done so already. Hmm what else.. work sucked yesterday, I made like half as much as I should have but I'm not going to go into detail about it. I definitely had an awesome margarita afterwards though which made things so much better haha... like I told Tommy, I figure alcohol will solve all my problems! (KIDDING. Totally kidding.)

I made some goals for myself this summer. One of which is either to learn to play the drums or keyboard/piano. There are several songs I would like to learn on piano, and once I realized that keyboards are probably a more welcome sound on their own, above drums, I figure I should learn those first, until I make enough money to buy my own set and have a band and have practices with accompanying instruments. Plus, I can plug headphones into a keyboard :)

With the help of some friends this past semester I learned some guitar chords, which I never thought would be possible for me to do. So if I can do that, why not learn to read sheet music and stuff?

Wtf is my dog doing? He's being picky with his dry food and pushing his bowl around, sticking his nose in it and not eating it. Stop that! Now he's back. He's been fidgety all day. He's probably mad that I won't let him outside to get all muddy. It's been raining a LOT the last day or so, and our yard doesn't drain very well. I'd rather him be mad than have to scrub the house down every time he wants to go out and play.

I've been watching a lot of Rob & Big lately. It's not on TV again until like Thursday but I've been watching the full episodes online and they are so funny! Makes me happy. Especially Meaty the bulldog <3

Anyway.. that's basically it. OH except that GH3 came in the mail like faster than a flash. It's pretty fun but all I can say is I'm glad I didn't pay $65 for it :)


Sunday, May 18, 2008


I've been scrap booking more. I printed out some pictures from uploading them at and picking them up. It's so convenient! Much simpler than taking the memory card to the store and trying to find what you want from there. Plus this way, you can upload edited pictures, not just pictures that are fresh off your camera with all the red eye, darkness/brightness problems, etc.

I just realized I haven't yet scrap booked a whole page since I have restarted scrapbooking. I'm working on one of Erica's baby Evelyn (I'll upload a picture of it when I finish but I just can't seem to find the right combination of papers, stickers, embellishments, etc..) So far it looks good though.

Woke up this morning, had some Krispy Kremes (mmm) and played Diner Dash haha.. what an exciting Sunday. I am so bored with the summer already. And last night I felt horrible for more reasons than one.

My room is a mess. Scrap booking stuff all over my desk, boxes still unpacked littering my room, dog sleeping on my bed.. hey! He loves my bed :) Ahh, speaking of dogs! I had the urge to adopt a dog from PetSmart yesterday afternoon but decided my mom would lose her mind if I brought home a puppy before consulting her. Plus, I really want a bulldog or a lab, not just any dog. Then another part of me wants to adopt a dog because there are sooo many unadopted animals that need love :( I am a sucker for those puppy dog eyes, what can I say?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I can never come up with a good title for blogs. I guess I could save it till the end when I figure out what I want my post to be about, but I choose not to.

A question before I start: why can't Bruce Springsteen tour anywhere besides New Jersey?? The rest of the country would like to see you too, you know.

Uhh, where to begin. So I am thoroughly discontent with my life status right now. My foot is broken, my boy is gone (or former boy, I guess), my room is a disaster still from bringing all my stuff home from ASU, a lot of my friends are like, really, really busy this summer, and I obviously don't have much to do since I'm not working until probably... at least next week. I thought the summer time would bring some relief? I still feel stressed out.

My grades were most excellent. This is the second great semester I've had in a row. If I could always be this diligent, or always be this studious, or whatever it was that I did this semester... I would be glad for that. I only have two more semesters, and then I graduate. I have to practice for the GRE at some point, and take it at some point. I'm planning on getting the book to practice in the next couple of weeks, studying for like a month, then taking the darn thing. I forgot to ask Alison how much it cost to take that stupid test. And oh man it's going to be expensive. I have to apply for grad school! I need letters of recommendation! These next two semesters are going to spin out of control. Before I know it, it will be May and I will be graduated. Hopefully this time goes by real fast because I am getting real impatient (as per usual).

I am getting back into scrapbooking this summer, hopefully I can concoct some incredible paper memories. I will laugh my head off if the scrap book store has RA stuff. I don't have many pictures though so I will have to upload some to or something like that and get some printed off. I already have a really cute idea for a page about me and Alex. It involves that cute picture of our bikes that I took. :)

I am online with an HP technician trying to figure out why my batter meter has disappeared from the lower right hand corner of my screen, and why I have to be an administrator of the computer to get it back (curse you Windows Vista!). I never had these types of weird problems with XP!! wtfomgbbq! (lol)

My room looks like a disaster. I think tomorrow I will finally have some time to clean, so I will do it then. I'm pretty sure that this is the latest I've stayed up in a while too. At least since Alex went home. I can't stay up late anymore.. I have no reason to do so. I could scrap book, but I guess there'll be time for that tomorrow. And Friday.

I visited the foot doctor today and she told me I won't need a cast. I guess that's good news. But she also told me that I have to wear my boot when I sleep?? I'm not wearing it right now (oops) but I think as long as I'm careful not to bend that bone it should be fine. She said if I re-fracture it I'll have to have surgery (nice scare tactic Dr. Nakra!). But she was terribly nice, I have a hard time arguing with her. I hurt my foot doing some ResLife stuff so I've been trying to fill out paper work for Worker's Comp, and my mom is freaking out as usual haha. I guess it's better just not to involve her in some of these matters because she can't control her urge to consider the worst possible scenario. Whatever.

Anyway, I have to try to get this computer thing fixed. It's been fun as usual.

Sad :[

I wish I could just tell you how much this hurts.
I just don't have the words to say it.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

It feels like today.

I am feeling strangely... apathetic... to this whole moving back home thing. All the emotions I had moving out of Center and toward all the people there... they just kind of disappeared. For the moment I guess. But it all already feels like such a long time ago.

The sooner I can leave it behind me, the better.
I'm obviously not getting anything out of it now.


Sunday, May 4, 2008


I knew this was coming, but there's just no way to prepare your heart for something that is going to hurt this bad. The last few days have been amazing.. heck, the last few months have been amazing. I wish we still had a few more. Yesterday was three months for us, ahh! We went to Pizzeria Bianco, it was really good but we decided the 2 hour wait is worth about a once a year trip (haha). So when he comes back in the Spring, we'll go again? That's about a year haha.

I have a couple more finals then I'm done, but until then I may not blog. I kind of wish that I would have been done last week, I mean by Friday at least, so I could have these next couple of days to just enjoy with Alex. He flies out Tuesday night around 6:45 I think he said.. ah it's just not enough time. It's never enough. So in spite of what I may say to you in this upcoming week, my heart, in fact, will be hurting. Mostly because I forgot what it was like not having him around. He was more than my boyfriend this semester, he was like my best friend. It makes me scared about North Campus next semester, I don't know if I will be able to form close relationships like I have here at Center. And at the moment I can't even dream about dating someone else, but who knows, those feelings may change.

Part of me doesn't want them to. And it's not real yet. It's not going to be real until I drop him off at the airport on Tuesday. And I'm going to come back here to campus, and it is going to feel so weird... it is going to feel like the Complex is empty. I just hate that I am losing him in more ways than one.

Do you think it is possible to fall in love with the wrong person?