Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What am I doing!?

The past week or so has been marked with that internal conflict I have once about every month. You know, the one where I question my major, what am I doing with my life, where am I going, where have I been, and most importantly is what I am doing right now getting me to where I need to go, nay, want to go? Well, let's see what I have neglected to accomplish:

- Study for my test that is tomorrow in Learning + Motivation
(Beginning that tonight)
- Begin an important project for the same class
- File my FAFSA (No $ = no school, kids)
- Start thinking about when I need to take my GRE and study for it

I don't think I realized that I really only have one more year left of college until last night. I've been so caught up in current events that I have failed to seriously consider more of my future. Not to say I'm unprepared, but I could be... I don't know, better I guess? Keep in mind, I am the first gen college student in my family, so I have no one showing me how to do this. It's hit-or-miss.

I've literally sat down with and said to some of my professors and advisers,
"Look. I have no clue what I'm doing. And I know this is college, I'm supposed to be somewhat independent, but I need you to hold my hand and tell me what my next step is. I have no idea." They must think, "Surely you jest!" No, I don't jest. And don't call me Shirley! (The Office)

But seriously. I am not getting the help I need (I sound like I have a serious problem haha) and it's frustrating so I just put it out of my mind. I'm pretty sure I need to file my DOG at some point this semester, and gosh.. 30 more credit hours and I'm done with this place. At least, figuratively speaking. If I get everything done that I need to. Ok. Time to take a break from thinking about that noise.

In other news, I have acquired the first two discs of season three of The Office. Laziness and neglect of currently important tasks commence... now! Haha I love it. And by the way, in a totally unrelated note, getting emails from ex-boyfriends I never thought I would hear from again? Good times. Haha.

Tonight I'm going to listen to this speaker talk about her anti-position of the Vagina Monologues. In my opinion, if you are speaking out against what most people would consider a liberating movement for the empowerment of women, you are defeating yourself, and creating more controversy. But maybe I'll change my mind after I listen to her speak. It's not like I'm biased at all in favor of the VMs since I've never been, so we'll see. Lauren and I are going on Saturday night to see them, it should be a good time. I'm kind of psyched seeing as what a big deal it is and how little I know about it.

Frick! I thought I had a lot more to say, but I have some things to get done before this speaker tonight so I better make like a baby and head out of this post.

OH YEAH! Pick up the State Press Magazine today: I'm featured in the cover story! :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Office: Spoiler Warning!

Ok! So I watched another episode of The Office before class... Jim admits that he likes Pam!! Oooh I feel so bad for him. Roy is such a jerk, and Jim is so adorable and does cute things for her and spends time with her and listens to her... I just can't take it. And did anyone notice that on the Booze Cruise episode (the one I watched today) that Roy was extremely intoxicated when he set the date for their wedding? I wish I hadn't watched them out of order because now I am confused haha but these episodes are so good. Love it.

In other news, I am planning on going to California for Spring Break, at least the majority of it, and I am so excited. I hope it will be warm enough to swim, or at least tan and play on the beach. I'm not positive that Breck is 100% for it, but he will be driving his car if we go so I definitely need to work that out with him. I don't want to be like the only one staying in boring AZ/Tempe/Mesa, shoot! And since I'm bored with my class, I might as well look up hotel prices riiiight... now.

It is time.

All the cool kids have Blogger blogs so I figure now is as good a time as any to kick that trendiness into high gear! I have like three blogs. I guess this is the fourth then. And with each blog I create, I realized I limit my audience. I was like, oh man, if so and so ever saw this.. no, forget that. This is a non-discriminatory blog. And why is this cursor moving so slow!!? Eesh.

Ok so Alex left super early tonight, or at least what I would consider super early haha.. yet I am not in bed. Probably should get to it. And while I'm on the subject.. he's pretty neat and that's all I have to say about that :)

By the way, we watched the Christmas Party episode of The Office tonight and it was so cute!! Jim loves Pam!! Ah I just love it. So I am currently finishing the second season after having borrowed it and the first season from Taylor, and I believe Alex O. has the third in his possession so I will have to coax him into letting me borrow it haha. And from what I understand Taylor has already attempted this feat and Alex limits his borrowing to one disc at a time so Taylor will actually get some work done. I foresee that being a potential problem with myself as well haha.

Anyhow, I had a great, great weekend, and now it's time to get back to reality. School at 9:15 in the morning, REL 375 at 1:40 and Astronomy lab tomorrow night, which I don't look forward to as much as I had originally set out too. Bums me out. But when my TA is talking like a mile a minute and trying to explain advanced mathematics to people who haven't touched math in 3 or 4 years... it's very unsettling! But wish me luck either way. Now I sleep. And.. dang it. I was hoping to cram in another episode of The Office tonight! :(

Do you think it is possible to fall in love with the wrong person?