Sunday, March 1, 2009

In my head there's a Greyhound Station where I send my thoughts to far off Destinations

Let's just be honest. If the answer was different, I would be stoked.

Oh college. How I love you. How I love your twists and turns, your giving of high hopes and your taking away of the same. Your inevitables and your avoidances. The entering and exiting you assist with of people in my life, and the keepings out and the keepings in of them. Your success givings and your failure provokings. Your blessings and your curses. Your loves lost or never explored. I love college.

Well, it's March. That means a new month in which another complete emotional breakdown should make its regularly scheduled appearance at some point. Yikes. Not looking forward to that. Just a little over two months till graduation. Cannot believe it's already that close. I haven't done anything to prepare for it except the obvious registrar's paperwork... I still need cap and gown, invitations which I am now making since neither my mom or myself can afford to buy them. Lame. Was hoping for a class ring but I probably don't need that either.

Since being in a bad situation with my credit card, I am having to take another look at my spending habits and stop being so foolish with money :\

BTW, what is UP with men? Someone please explain to me why they are making my life so difficult right now!!! Guys, I love ya, but let's figure it out hm?

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Do you think it is possible to fall in love with the wrong person?