Monday, August 11, 2008

Our Song is a Slammin' Screen Door...

Wow... I haven't even updated at all since I Moved in. This past week has been psychotic. Really. Training has kept me so busy!! You know training for my CA (RA/Resident Assistant) position, second and third semesters of that here at ASU coming up. I became really overwhelmed tonight, like everything kind of all hit me at once at some point so if I seem like I'm in a bad mood tomorrow, that is definitely why.

Just some things that have been on my mind that I need to say somewhere before I explode:
  • Someone I know said to one of my other friends the other day that I am "obsessed with Facebook" in a really derogatory way, like my life is owned by it, and it really, really hurt my feelings. Like it was so awkward, and she made it sound like her life was too important for her to even be on Facebook. I didn't really know what to say so I kind of ignored it, but as I am letting it stew it is making me sadder and sadder. So I apologize if lately I make it seem like Facebook is all I care about, it's not that. It's what Facebook represents: NETWORKING. And I am all about that. Facebook makes it increasingly easy to do it. So when I immediately tag all of you in pictures I've taken over the course of training, it's because I want to remember these times since they have been some of the funnest and most memorable of my college experience. I apologize if you feel like you are "above" Facebook and what it stands for. A lot of people appreciate what I do on FB and if you do not, then keep it to yourself I guess?
  • I am listening to a couple songs tonight that are making me think about that boy again, which is too bad because I looked at his Facebook and he is talking to another girl. Gah I hate that. I'm sure it's nothing but it's just the idea.
  • Speaking of boys, the care package I'm putting together is almost finished!!! I can't wait to send it :)
  • I like to be energetic and get everyone stoked about activities we do, but there is a point where I cap off and just can't keep up with people who act like they are competing to be more stoked than me. I can't handle that. There are a couple people I've been getting to know who are very much like this. They are amazing individuals, incredible leaders, but way over the top sometimes. I wouldn't say our personalities clash, but I will definitely say that there is a slight decrease in my energy when I feel like I have to down play because there is already too much over zealousness. Did that last sentence even make any sense haha...
  • I kind of have a crush on this boy but in a nutshell, he is non-responsive :( I got some stellar advice from Tim last night, I have been pondering on it, and have found that if I would just listen to people who I know are wiser than myself and are correct about the words they say, I would be worlds better off. So thanks to Tim for that.
  • I am so tired, and I feel like I have no time to do extra things... like go to the store for tampons because apparently I'm out? Or mail packages, or paint signs as good as I want to... I bought some books online last night but I still have two more to buy at the actual bookstore. And I am freaking tired right now, if I didn't already say that hah...

Almost time for bed. We have an early/long day tomorrow. Yikes...


Trenton and Brooke said...

Good luck R.A'ing... I had no idea you lived on campus?

Unknown said...

Girl, I love you. I hope things are looking up for you and that you are beginning to enjoy the ResLife community more and more. Miss you...

Brandy said...

Yay for school starting up soon. I can't believe it's here already.

So, is there some sort of checklist to determine if you're obsessed with something? If so, I must look at it. Just in case.

Have a great day!

Andrew and DeeDee said...

Aimee!! It always sounds like you are having so much fun at ASU! Add us to your blog!!

Do you think it is possible to fall in love with the wrong person?